
InsulBuck™ was created as an alternative to wood and all vinyl block-outs for ICF construction walls. InsulBuck™ had to meet two requirements, First, it had to be cost effective, somewhere between the cost of wood and all vinyl. Second, it had to be easy to assemble and provide continuous insulation around the opening. Third, it had to be energy efficient. Well, InsulBuck™ has done all three and then some while helping to achieve higher LEEDS points and reduce energy waste. This is truly an “ICF Buck for any ICF project” it maintains the ultra energy efficiency that an ICF wall is intended to provide, which is simply something that wood and all-vinyl can’t accomplish. InsulBuck™ is truly “Green” as it is made from recycled materials, is ZERO waste, and can accommodate any wall width and any ICF system. InsulBuck is a fresh, economical and effective approach to creating block-outs in ICF walls and will enhance any ICF project.
Bucks can be assembled for any size or shape of opening. Arch windows or round windows and odd angle corners less than or greater than 90 degrees can be assembled.
We can assemble the InsulBuck™ for you. Bucks will be completely assembled with corner bracing installed ready to be installed in the ICF wall. Installation of temporary concrete bracing will need to be done on site by contractor.